Livorno & Accomodations

Transports (bus/tram):
Information on city bus services are found at the CTT Nord website.
The ticket can be bought before boarding (1,2€ for 75 minutes) in ‘Tabacchi’, kioscos, bars who show ‘CTT Nord tickets’ at the entrance or by SMS (text: LIVORNO) to the number +394850306 (1,4€ for 75 minutes, only for TIM, Wind and 3 Italia phone operators).  The ticket can be also purchased on board from the bus driver (1,7 € for 75 minutes) .
If facing mulitple travels per day it’s possible to purchase a daily ticket for 4,7€ or a carnet of 12 tickets for 12€ (each ticket in the carnet is valid for 75 minutes after validation).

How to reach Livorno:

From Florence Airport: Florence has one Airport called ‘Peretola’ or ‘Vespucci’. It is located in the Northen part of the town and it’s possible to catch a bus from the airport to the central station (Firenze Santa Maria Novella). From the train station there are trains going to Livorno Centrale (costing roughly 9,6€).

From Pisa Airport: from the airport you have to get the main train station (Pisa Centrale) by local bus (PisaMover, it leaves inf front of Check-in hall A and costs 1,3€). It takes about 5-10 minutes.
In Pisa Centrale train station you can take the train to  Firenze Santa Maria Novella (about 1 hr). From there take a train to Livorno Centrale as per the solution above.

From Bologna Airport: get the Shuttle bus (6€ one way, 10€ return ticket) to the main train station Bologna Centrale. From the train station it’s possible to catch a fast train going to Firenze Santa Maria Novella, and, from there, a second train going to Livorno Centrale.

From Roma Fiumicino Airport: the airport is well connected to Roma Termini train station by several shuttle bus companies (5€ one way) but the trip takes one hour.
Leonardo Express train connects Fiumicino Airport to Roma Termini station in half an hour about every 30 min. (cost: 14€).
Then, from Roma Termini station you can get fast trains that reach Florence (Firenze Santa Maria Novella) in about 1 hour and half. From Santa Maria Novella to Livorno Centrale there are direct trains.

All tickets can be bought online on the Trenitalia website. For fast trains (i.e.: Frecciargento, Frecciabianca, Frecciarossa) discounts are possible if booking with a good advance. 

Accommodations in Livorno:

Please be advised that none of the organizators are affiliated or in contact with any of the hotels and websites listed here and are not responsible for any accomodation issue. All the visitors are tasked to contact the hotels and manage their stay under their own responsibility.

Hotel Gennarino, Tel.: +390586803109
Suggested price: 75€ per night (including breakfast) +  1.50€ tourist tax

Hotel Gran Duca, Tel.: +390586891153
Suggested price: 80€ per nigth+  1.50€ tourist tax

Hotel Boston, Tel.: +390586882333
Suggested price: 65-75€ per nigth (including breakfast) +  1.50€ tourist tax

Hotel Universal, Tel.:  + 390586500327+390586500398
Suggested price: 85€ per night (including breakfast) +  1.50€ tourist tax

Bed & Breakfast Verde

These websites are extremely useful in finding (and booking) a room for your stay:

